Newport Beach Expense Reimbursement Attorneys
Leading the Way in Employment Law
In California, employers are required by law to reimburse employees for all work-related expenditures. This includes expenses incurred because the employee is obeying instructions given by the employer or as a direct consequence of carrying out job-related duties.
Travel Expenses
Many employees in California are required to travel as part of their job. For job-related travel, there are several types of expenses that should be reimbursed by an employer. Typical travel expenses incurred on the job include transportation costs, and reasonable food and drink expenses.
If you are traveling for work, your employer may be required to reimburse you for many expenditures, including:
- Mileage expenses
- Rental car costs
- Gas costs
- Taxi, bus, or train transportation
- Airline tickets
- Hotels and motels
- Motorway tolls
- Parking fees
- Entertainment expenses for specific events
- Conference registration fees
- Business phone call expenses
- Internet access costs
- Dry cleaning costs for extended trips
- Postage for mailing materials
- Currency conversion fees
Keep in mind that even if your employer's policy has rules for types of travel expenses that are reimbursable, they still have the responsibility to reimburse you for all necessary expenditures that are directly related to your job. Their legal obligation trumps their company policy.
Also, it’s important to realize that if you are combining work-related travel with personal travel, your employer will only be required to compensate you for the travel expenses that are directly related to carrying out your job duties. However, that does not mean that an employer can offer to pay for half your hotel or airline ticket – they must pay the full price since those expenses were directly related to the performance of your duties.
Other Types of Reimbursement Expenses in Newport Beach
There are several other types of expenses that your employer may need to reimburse depending on the kind of job you have and your employer. Many employees never incur work-related costs and are therefore not eligible for reimbursement. Other professionals make several expenditures for their job every day and therefore entitled to reimbursement.
Expenses that are often reimbursed by employers include:
- Tools and equipment
- Office supplies
- Safety gear
- Phone service
- Uniform costs
- Driving expenses
- Entertainment costs
- Internet service
- Work-related training or education
- Conference and registration fees
- Business center costs
- Delivery fees
If you have made any of these purchases for your company and your employer has refused to reimburse you, you deserve to be compensated for your losses. Even if you lost the receipt for the items you purchased, your employer is required to exercise due diligence to ensure that you are reimbursed if they know or have reason to know you incurred expenses in the discharge of your job duties.
Is your employer refusing to reimburse you for a job-related expense? Contact the Newport Beach expense reimbursement lawyers at the Carter Law Firm – call (949) 239-0419 today. We also can help you online.

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